Tech tips: How to Enhance Your Personal Social Media Brand

Questions: If you search for your name online what do you see? Are
you happy with the results? Are there any links that come up that you
would rather people not see? Do people really see you or many other
people with same name? Check it now!

Today, many organizations rely heavily on results of social media
analysis of the potential employees before they are employed. If what
you project online will affect their brand perception, they need to
learn of your online habits well ahead.

Moreover, how you present yourself online and what you say or share
has the power to leave an impression on anyone you come in contact with
(virtually) . You can reap rewards if that experience is good. Try to
remember people you never visited their walls after once. That may be

I will share with you a number of simple habits that will distinguish
or stand you out; provided you can stick to them religiously:

Read twice and edit before you post: Every post you
write contributes to people’s perceptions of your personal brand. And,
there is nothing pisses one off more than needless typos and bad
grammatical constructs. Always remember that others will read you word
for word, so never write in haste. Edit your posts critically, take our
redundant lines, foul words and read once again before clicking on send.

Social media

Avoid distractions: Not every floating topic is good
enough to be a subject of contribution. Certain things may not just gel
into your personality. Be focused on what you consider relevant to your
projected persona. I don’t mean you should be fake. But, not all videos
are sharable; not all groups need you and not all topics deserve your
opinion. Avoid what would not add anything to you!

Engage your audience: Your wall should not portray
you as egocentric. Reply to comments and be polite when they are
critical. Share impressive updates. Dedicate posts to other people
especially on special events. Don’t forget that it is a social media
platform and not a personal album.

Stand for a cause: Too many people float along. If
one cannot define your personality in a matter of 30 seconds of staying
on your wall, you have a problem. You need to bring on your life
ideology by creating and sharing your convictions. Remember,
this includes images!


Picture wise: They say a picture is worth a thousand
words, and nothing is truer on social media. Your pictures say volumes
about your personality. So, look closely before you upload. Keep
suggestive items out of view and be careful about certain social
situations (you know them, don’t you?). Pictures speak loud, let every
image you upload count!

React with caution: What do you do when people stalk
you and attempt to troll? Wait a bit (no crime if you do) before you
respond, even if it sounds like a joke (especially if you don’t really
know them). Posts are often taken out of context and can severely damage
your personal brand. You never know what others will do with your
response, so never act emotional!

Be original: So much that you want to be mature and
impressive, don’t lose your person in the process. Let the language,
images and videos reflect whom you truly are. The biggest disappointment
you will offer people is for them to see that you are not whom you
claim to be.

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