President Obama Reads Mean Tweets and Addresses Ferguson on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ [Video]


President Obama made his first appearance since becoming president on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, and boy did he deliver. To be honest, when doesn’t he?

During his appearance, President Obama joked about being born in Kenya and Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail account.

Most noteworthy was the president’s thoughts on Ferguson and the recent shooting of a Ferguson police officer.

“There’s no excuse for criminal acts.
Whoever fired those shots shouldn’t detract from the issue. They need
to be arrested. And then what we need to do is make sure like-minded,
good-spirited people on both sides, law enforcement who have a
terrifically tough job and people who understand they don’t want to be
stopped and harassed because of their race, that we’re able to work
together to try and come up with some good answers.”

On a much lighter note, President Obama took part in Jimmy’s “Mean
Tweets” segment, where guests read mean yet hilarious tweets posted by
various Twitter users. You can check out that video HERE.

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