Is This True?: Jehovah’s Witness Asks Members Not To Vote – Report

I just found this report on PMNews:

As Nigerians prepare to elect  new
leaders that will run the affairs of the country in the next four years,
members of Jehovah’s Witness have been banned from participating in the
electoral process and by implication, they are forbidden from voting
for any candidate or contesting in any election. They claimed that
participating in an election was satanic and contrary to God’s

P.M.NEWS findings revealed that members of
Jehovah’s Witness were warned not to obtain voter’s cards and that they
should not vote during the elections. The directive was not a mere
order as any member found participating or voting during the elections
will be excommunicated.

When our reporter spoke to some of the members who confirmed the directive, they claimed that the order was right because they are still waiting for the kingdom of God that is yet to be establshed on earth.

A minister in the congregation, James
Uduok, explained that every member of Jehovah’s Witness knows that
participating in election is satanic and contrary to the will of God.
said that the teaching of the Witness was strongly embedded in the
Bible and all members must adhere strictly to the teaching or leave the

The members defended their decision not to
vote or get involved in the electoral process by quoting  Mathew 6: 9
and Mathew 4: 8.

Mathew 6: 9 says: “This is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven may your holy name be honoured. May your kingdom come.”

To members of Jehovah’s Witness, this scripture implies that the
kingdom of God has not come and they are still waiting for it to come. 

Also, Mathew 4: 8 is a scripture that
dwells on how the devil took Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all
the kingdoms of the world and promised to give them to Him if He  bowed
down and worshipped him. Members of Jehovah’s Witness claim that this
world belongs to satan and insist that God’s kingdom has not yet come. 

When our reporter sought the views of non
members, especially pastors, their response was contrary to the teaching
of the Witnesses. 

Pastor Jude Chukwurah noted that their
belief was strange because the same Bible mandated Christians to respect
constituted authority.

“God recognises leadership and authority of leaders in the society,” he said.

Chukwurah said even in ages past, there was clamour for leaders as reported in the Bible and the people elected their leaders. 

Another pastor, Michael James, said the Witnesses are misinterpreting the Bible and should be ignored. 

He warned that their belief was not
consistent with biblical teaching, adding that if such teaching is
followed it could lead their members to imbibe false doctrine that could
lead them to hell.

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