RnB Superstar, Trey Songz, Set To Storm Lagos Nigeria

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The ladies man and R&B superstar Trey Songz will be coming to Lagos, Nigeria in December for the 2015 edition of annual Pepsi Rhythm Unplugged concert.
My advice to guys going there with their girlfriends:
Trey has built himself an impressive career from making beautiful music with a reputation for making the ladies go gaga. Just check out some of his live gigs, and you’ll find excited, screaming girls usually forming a large part of his fan base.
So, for Nigerian men, rather than feeling intimidated by the presence of Trey Songz in Lagos, below are a few lessons from Trey, that will help add extra spice to any relationship and keep your lady truly happy.

  1. Be A Smiling Man: Women love happy men. There’s nothing as uninteresting for a woman as a constantly scowling and frowning man. A lot more smiling will get a lot more girls feeling comfortable around you. The smiling guy is the confident guy.
trey songz, pepsi
  1. Look into her eyes: Yes, direct eye contact connotes strength, confidence and self-assurance. These are big turn-ons for a woman. A man that can look into her eyes shows himself as honest, sincere and confident. Ladies love Trey for that, even if when it’s done via the TV screen.
  1. Say Sweet Stuff: It is true that not every guy has been blessed with a honey-sweet voice like Trey. However, even in a husky, croaked amateur voice, a man can still delight his lady with a few love songs. If hitting the high notes seem too hard, then just read her some Trey Songz lyrics. Fine poetry. Easy.
  1. Get in shape: You don’t have to be Mr Macho or Mr Universe to impress your woman. You don’t even have to spend all day and night at the gym. But no woman can deny the love for a well-toned masculine body. Whether the full 6 packs or it’s only 3 you can manage, just try and stay in shape for your woman. If not to impress her, then do it for the health benefits.

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  2. Take her out. Trip her: Not every time sit home watching football and playing PS with the boys. Sometimes take her out and give her some good sweet treat. You may not have all the smooth moves of Mr Songz, but you can at least take her out to Pepsi Rhythm Unplugged on December 18 and blow her mind away!

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